Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Snap Crackle Pop

I’m currently reading a novel (Wizard & Glass) in which a young girl is forcefully put into a relationship with an older man and one of the things she despises about this older man is his popping knuckles and creaking joints. And I can’t help but wonder if girls really get that minuscule in their analysis to list popping knuckles on the con side of their prospective suitor t-charts; probably so. If guys do, then girls would too. After all, my left knee pops to the rhythm when I walk down the hall. And all this time I thought I was losing out with the girls because of my bad hair, donated wardrobe, slouching posture, and my upper lip that quivers like a slab of bacon on a hot griddle when I’m forced to talk about my feelings. {sigh} Add my popping joints to the list.


Jessica said...

You are too hard on yourself Dean. although, I would probably steer clear of someone with Pink eye before worrying about a noisy knee. ;)

Jenny and Josh said...

Yeah, she is right about the pink eye. I don't think the knee is a problem, but if you pop your knuckles your done for it make many women literally gag to hear that sound!