Monday, March 24, 2008


One of my earliest memories is when my family had our picture taken at the Pioneer Village of Lagoon. There was some picture studio there that would let you dress up in old clothes and get your black and white picture taken in front of some saloon backdrop of some kind so that the picture looked like an old tin type. Well, my memory of the occasion was getting dressed up in my cowboy stuff first and then being left alone while the rest of the family retreated into the dressing rooms to step into their spurs and strap on their bonnets. Being left alone, I of course began to cry. Someone that worked there gave me a little toy pistol to shut me up. And boy, did it work! I thought that thing was about the coolest thing I had ever seen. Cocking back the hammer and pulling the trigger kept me occupied for what seemed like forever. Suddenly, a gigantic frying pan of a human hand obstructed the view of the toy I was playing with. Shortly after that the picture must have been taken, because the old family photo that still sits in my mom’s house shows me sitting in my dad’s lap with him covering up my hands (and indeed half of my body) with his own face down palm.

Nine years ago now, my father gave me a ring that he made out of his old Smoke Jumper pin. I remember holding it in my palm, turning it over and over in my fingers, and finding it to be as impressive then as I had found that little toy gun to be when I was a child. I tried to put it on and was shocked to see that it wouldn’t fit on any of my fingers. It would easily slip off of even my thumb. I was reminded of how big this guy once was and was thrilled at the gesture, but because I couldn’t wear it as anything but maybe a bracelet, I was forced to just store it. Well, I’ve finally gotten around to resizing it so I can wear it. They were able to fit a second silver ring inside of my dad’s ring and somehow meld the two to make it just the right size to fit on my middle finger. It took the jeweler two and a half months to complete, (not because it was difficult, but just because they were slow) but it was worth the wait. I think it is cool, way cool.


John said...

Let's see a picture.

Unknown said...

way awesome story Dean. I can imagine that ring is priceless. I feel glad that we actually have Dad's wedding ring. He never wore it and when John lost his own wedding ring (much to my chagrin) Dad handed down to son. I'm so glad we have that to remember him, even if he never used it ;)

Dean said...

I can't get it to upload. Grr...

John said...

Email me and I'll upload it. You got the cooler ring, by the way.

John said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John said...

Here it is, if this works.

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