Thursday, December 6, 2007


I don’t really like December that much. Mostly because it is the time of year when winter really kicks in and there are several months before the sun starts to shine again. I’m convinced that whoever decided to put Christmas, Hanukah, and all the other December holidays in December, did so in order to put something fun and bright into an otherwise pretty dismal time. But there is one thing about December that I’ve learned to enjoy. It is the time of year that they sell those little tangerines at the grocery store. You know the kind that you can peel in about five seconds, usually don’t have seeds at all, practically already come de-pulped, and don’t even get your hands dirty. I love those sweet little treats and their juicy bursts of flavor. Cheers Mother Nature! Or should I say Noel? Actually, what does Noel even mean? I see it every December, but for all I know I’m posting propaganda opposing some guy named El. I’d rather not have a mob show up at my door for posting a decoration sporting “Noel” wanting me to join a death march to the rhythmic chanting of “No El”. I mean, I don’t even know El, or his political views, personal aspirations, or strength of character. I would need to study the issues before casting my vote. Or maybe Noel is jumbled up letters symbolizing something else. There’s a word for that. My brother would know. Does it really mean Lone, like the Lone Ranger? Or Leon? Who the heck is Leon?! But whatever, that angry anti-El mob, the Lone Ranger, and Leon better all stay away from the groves that bring December tangerines.


John said...

We're seeing the flip side of this (and so will you in 8 days). It is way too warm here, even though it is unseasonably rainy. I can't get into the Christmas spirit despite non-stop Christmas music and Katie's decorations. Makes me very glad Christmas is not in the summer like here. People here seem to not even really celebrate - holiday parties are held in Nov/early Dec so people can hit the beach by 12/15.

Katie said...

I'm pretty sure the yummy treats you like are actually called Clementines, and I like them too! Can't wait to see you - safe travels!